WOW I cant believe only two weeks left! Time has flown by ... I AM looking forward to Challenge #3 =) I am feeling good this morning.. feeling refreshed and ready to stay focused on eating.. I think posting last night.. AND the fact that I was up at 2 AM this morning with a tummy ache.. has had a huge effect on me. =0
I got up this morning and made breakfast for the family and then did some schooling. I started my lifting at 10.. just in time for Price is Right :) .. I finished in 1 hour. Heres what i did
It was cool in there this morning so I warmed up on the recumbent bike for about 10 mins.
Leg extension with burn outs of squats 24
Leg curls with burnout's of dead lifts 24
Lunges 24 (just to feel an extra burn!)
Back.. bent over rows 12 as warm up
Back... smith machine rows with burnout's of lat pull downs on smith
Bis.. seated curls with standing curls with curl bar as burnout's.
I will just post my eats on this post later tonight.. I have meal one in already..
Plan of Action Mondays Eats:
Meal #1 Shake and water (after lifting weights)
Meal #2 roast beef barbQ tortilla with water
Meal#3 marathon bar and water
Meal #4 Chicken, steamed squash and zucchini,
Meal #5 Shake
Meal #6 peanut butter on toast water
Meal #1 Tea and water with marathon bar. (preworkout)
Meal #2 Water and Tea with peanut butter crackers (an hour after I lifted)
Meal #3 roast beef bbq sauce with tortilla..(2)
Meal #4 chicken fajitas, sour cream (lite), tea
Meal #5 banana pudding shake (before bed)
Meal #6 couldnt get this one in.. I will plan to have a marathon bar by my bedside incase I wakeup hungry at 2 =)
I have felt GREAT alllllll day today.. HIGH on energy and just feeling great! .. I know its because I stayed focused on healthy eating and I didnt over do it on sugar today. I started adding less sugar to my tea and ate healthy all day (Yipee!). The extra water might be the key here.. I am so happy I got my spunk back. (hear the music in the background... "feeling good..nanana so good.. nanan.. yeah.. !)
When I was in Weight Watchers, people would hit plateaus in their weight loss. What worked for a lot of these people was to eat MORE calories for a short period of time to break the plateau. Now, the key word was more CALORIES (not more sugar and junk food, etc.), but simply more of the good things they were already eating. Then, after awhile, they would get back on their regular plan and begin losing weight once more.
Anyway, I'm not sure if this helps you or not. I don't know if you're really wanting to lose more weight, per se, but you've been eating so good for such a long time. Maybe your body would do good with a short hiatus and then jumping back in "hard core" to continue to reach your goals.
Again, I'm not sure if this jives with BFL, but I figured it couldn't hurt to mention it!
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday for Turkey Day!!!! :-)
cant wait to see you guys!
thanks for posting!