I cant believe I actually made it! YIPEE! 100 days without missing a workout!
This morning I was out the door at 635am.. the stars were out and the street lights were still on.. it was amazing out there.. so quiet.. so peaceful! I was surprised to see so many people out and about this morning ..but it was nice.. made me feel safe. It was cool so I wore a t-shirt with a long sleeve shirt over it..(with my running skirt).. I was so hot at the end of my first two miles I had to shed the long sleeve and tie it around my waist. I walked most of the third mile and jogged the last mile. I was happy with my time on the first two miles.. which i really pushed myself.. i did it in 18 mins.. nine min miles not too bad for an old mom like me.. I guess.:)
{please notice the size JR seven capri pants I got for my birthday! JR!.. thats right ladies.. these hips that have carried three almost 10lbs babies are fittin into JRS! woooowhoo)
so..to celebrate.. here are 100 reasons to workout, get in shape, and take care of youself:
1. feel better
2. look better
3. have energy
4. make a difference in others lives
5. live better
6. lower cholest.
7. better heart
8. be a good example to your friends
9. be a good example to your kids
10 be a good example to people you dont even know
11 Bible says your body is a temple
12 to humble yourself
13 to be strong
14 more self confidence
15 reduces tension
16 feels good to sweat
17 gives a possitive outlook on life
18 no tummy aches
19 drinking water fuels your bodies processes sodas dont
20 you are what you eat
21 endorphins make you happy :)
22 a great body is the best accessory you can have.. anything you wear looks good if you are fit
23 people start looking up to you.
24 nightmares about going to the pool are a thing of the past
25 your husband really does think you are HOT!
26 sharing what you have learned with others could change their lives
27 you are healthy and confident enough to do the work out the Lord
28 you could die tomorrow.. Life is about quality.. not quantity
29 fitness if fun!
30 healthier marriage
31 picking out clothes is much more fun
32 you dont have to suck in your tummy anymore..
33 throw the girdle OUT!
34 you are not wasting money on sodas and chips
35 increased confidence allows you to thrive in other areas of your life
36 you can take care of your kids better
37 carrying the laundry isnt so tough after all.. even if it is 4000 lbs! :)
38 sleep better
39 your other alments seem to disappear
40 God gave you only have one body..I think he expects us to take care of it
41 life short..
42 you can hike a mountain like your kids
43 you can run along side your kids as they ride thier bikes
44 you will look younger
45 you will feel younger
46 housework is easier
47 if you can bench press 100lbs.. you know you can change your own tire
48 you see the world through happier eyes
49 you dont get out of breath going from the car to the store
50 achieving goals gives you a great sense of accomplishment
51 your not so tired anymore
52 you can carry your child AND the BIKE across the street!
53 you can make your 80lbs 7year old laugh by picking him up
54 you start the day feeling great after a workout
55 fast food becomes the distusting creature it really is
56 you learn that failure really isnt failure.. its just another step toward success
57 muscles make the cheapest t-shirt look really good
58 competition is fun
59 protien shakes are good!
60 fit bodies are beautiful
61 you can run and play with your kids
62 Live is short! live it to the fullest
63 the stairs are no longer a mountain to be conquered
64 you can zip your jeans without laying down
65 you can breath better
66 you will live healthier and longer
67 you can throw out your fat clothes forever
68 no more cramps
69 reduces your risk of heart attack
70 reduces your risk of stroke
71 improves your immune system
72 lower doctor bills
73 helps manage stress
74 lowers resting hear rate and blood pressure
75 increases your stamina.. mowing the lawn isnt like running a marathon anymore
76 increases bone mineral density
77 improves your mood
78 if you do have a heart attack you will be more likely to survive it
79 improves short term memory in older individuals
80 you can see the wonders of Gods creation in your body and how it transforms
81 you can see the wonders of Gods creation in the world.. as you run in the early morning hours
82 improves balance
83 improves co-ordination
84 reduces risk of stroke
85 reduces risk of colon cancer
86 stronger circulatory system
87 better skin tone
88 better flexablitiy
89 helps with pain tolerance
90 reduces back ache
91 improves intellectual capacity
92 regulates your bodies waste system
93 controls physical and emotional stress
94 controls blood sugar
95 you will learn to LOVE your blender
96 rearranging the furniture is much easier.. you need NO help
97 you can outrun a bear (if need be)
98 you can fit into your wedding dress
99 you can inspire people to live healthier
100 you begin to LOVE life and wonder whats possible!
You and Josha keep me going!